Saturday, August 4, 2012
What is computer? Explain different types of computer.
Definition of computer:
The word ‘computer’ comes from the word compute which means to calculate. A computer is a device that works under the control of stored programs, automatically accepting, storing data and processing data (information ).
What is keyword tool?
Keyword tool is generally used to choose a proper keyword. So Keyword tool is very important in SEO. Proper keyword is very necessary in a web site. We described details about keyword in this passage. Now someone asked us, where we find Keyword tool? Google gives us a nice keyword tool. To find this keyword tool, or you also find keyword tool by google by searching keyword tool.
How it work?
From this Keyword tool, we find out the keyword related word, competition and local monthly searches etc. Now we write down the keyword (eg. seo) in “word or phrase” box and click on the search baton. Then we show that its related word, competition and local monthly searches. We show that a keyword has a lot of monthly search but it’s competition is very high. So the highly competition keyword is not suitable for seo. If you chose highly competition keyword, than is so tub for your site to come in top position. You have to choose that keyword which has a lot of monthly searches and competition is low. So google keyword tool is very necessary for a web developer and SEO field. I suggest, you to choose effective keyword used Google keyword tool.